Sebastian Pauli
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Office: Petty 145
Starting year at UNCG: 2006
Office Hours: MTW 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Degree(s): Diplom Mathematiker, TU Berlin (1997), Ph.D., Concordia University, Montreal (2001)
Fall 2024- MAT-112 LEC (Contemporary Topics Math)
- MAT-721 LEC (Mathematical Cryptography), TR 11:00-12:15, NSCI 256
- MAT-799 DTS (Dissertation)
Member of the Research Group(s): Number Theory
Current Students: Eric Hardin (Ph.D.), Sandi Rudzinski (Ph.D.)
Former Students: Brian Sinclair (Ph.D.), Lance Everhart (M.A.), Sandi Rudzinski (M.A.), Ricky Farr (Ph.D.), Jonathan Milstead (Ph.D.), Torre Caparatta (Ph.D.), Ali Aslam (Dr. rer. nat., Technische Universität Kaiserslautern)
Research Interests: My research is in computational number theory. I am particularly interested in algorithms for local fields and computational class field theory. I am also investigating the distributions of the zeros of the (fractional) derivatives of the Riemann Zeta function.
Selected Publications
- Zeros of Fractional Derivatives of Polynomials with Torre Caparatta and Filip Saidak
- A bound for Stieltjes Constants with Filip Saidak
- Zero free regions of the fractional derivatives of the Riemann Zeta function with Filip Saidak
- Evaluating fractional derivatives of the Riemann zeta function with Ricky Farr and Filip Saidak
- Approximating and Bounding Fractional Stieltjes Constants with Ricky Farr and Filip Saidak
- MAT 112 Ancient and Contemporary Mathematics, interactive course notes for MAT 112 at UNCG, written in PreTeXt
- The First Digit of the Discriminant of Eisenstein Polynomials as an Invariant of Totally Ramified Extensions of p-Adic Fields with Chad Awtrey, Alexander Gaura, Sandi Ruszinski, Ariel Uy, and Scott Zinzer
- On Fractional Stieltjes Constants with Ricky Farr and Filip Saidak
- A Zero Free Region for the Fractional Derivatives of the Riemann Zeta Function with Ricky Farr and Filip Saidak
- Enumerating Extensions of (π)-Adic Fields with Given Invariants with Brian Sinclair — TABLES
- Constructing Splitting Fields of Polynomials over Local Fields with Jonathan Milstead and Brian Sinclair
- More Zeros of the Derivatives of the Riemann Zeta Function on the Left Half Plane with Rick Farr
- Single Factor Lifting for Polynomials over Local Fields with Jordi Guardia and Enric Nart
- Application of Object Tracking in Video Recordings to the Observation of Mice in the Wild with Thomas Parrish and Matina Kalcounis-Rueppell — Project web site
- On the zeros of ζ(s)-c with Adam Boseman
- New Zero-Free Regions for the Derivatives of the Riemann Zeta Function with Thomas Binder and Filip Saidak
- Galois Groups of Eisenstein Polynomials whose Ramification Polygon has one Side with Christian Greve
- Factoring Polynomials over Local Fields II
- Computation of 2-groups of narrow logarithmic divisor classes of number fields with Jean-Francois Jaulent, Michael E. Pohst, and Florence Soriano-Gafiuk
- Constructing Class Fields over Local Fields
- GiANT: Graphical Algebraic Number Theory with Aneesh Karve
- Computing Residue Class Rings and Picard Groups of Arbitrary Orders with Jürgen Klüners
- The Discrete Logarithm in Logarithmic l-Class Groups and its Applications in K-Theory with Florence Soriano-Gafiuk, proceedings of ANTS VI
- A new Algorithm for the Computation of logarithmic l-class groups of number fields with F. Diaz y Diaz, J.-F. Jaulent, M.E. Pohst, and F. Soriano-Gafiuk
- Congruence Subgroups of PSL(2,Z) of Genus up to 24 —TABLES with Chris Cummins
- Computing the Multiplicative Group of Residue Class Rings with Florian Heß and Michael E. Pohst
- A Guide to Polynomial Factorization over Qp with David Ford and Xavier Roblot
- Factoring Polynomials over Local Fields
- Efficient Enumeration of Extensions of Local Fields with Bounded Discriminant PhD thesis under the supervision of David Ford, Concordia University, 2001
- On the Computation of All Extensions of a p-adic Field of a Given Degree with Xavier Roblot
Brief Biography
Dr. Pauli wrote his Diplomarbeit (Masters thesis) under the supervision of Michael Pohst at Technische Universität Berlin. He received his Ph.D. from Concordia University in Montreal in 2001 and as a Post Doctoral Fellow was the lead developer of the computer algebra system KASH/KANT. He has been at UNCG since 2006.
Links to the Past
- Tracking mice in infrared video
- SpartanTeX
- KANT Group and KASH/KANT (-2010)
- ANTS VII (2006)
- Surprise Number Theory Conference (2005)